My go-to desserts


You all know me as that chaotic potato lady, and believe me, I do love a spud. BUT a girl can’t survive on cheesy chips alone, there has to be a bit of variation. That variation is either in the form of chicken wings or a load of desserts. Surely, you didn’t expect me to say a leafy green salad? Now, like seasonal veg, I love a seasonal pud, so let me tell you about some of my fave sweet treats… 


Springtime to me means rhubarb. In crumble, on cake, in a pavlova, you name it, I’ll have it, and I want it smothered in cold custard. One of the best things about spring is Easter, which means no one can judge me for eating a Lindt bunny for breakfast. If you do ever have a bit of leftover chocolate, make my 6 ingredient chocolate caramel salted tart and serve with a scoop of ice cream. It’s super rich and indulgent but definitely worth saving a bit of choccy for.

Or if you wanna up your veg intake, make my classic rhubarb crumble. If you’re reading this in winter, fear not because this recipe actually uses forced rhubarb which is available from Jan-Mar, compared to your regular rhubarb that’s in season from April to July. Forced rhubarb is grown in the dark and picked by candlelight for a pinker, sweeter and less acidic taste – for all those wondering!


Personally for summer desserts I like ‘em fruity and creamy. I’m a big fan of cheesecake, whether it’s baked (did you know you can do this in an air fryer?) or just set in the fridge. I dish up a big slab and top with a delicious berry compote, so chop up some fresh strawberries, cherries, whatever you’ve got in the fridge and chuck into a saucepan with some sugar, lemon zest and a squeeze of lemon juice and leave to bubble away on the hob while you make your cheesecake. Leave to cool completely and store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.

If you’ve got any strawberries left over, give my strawberry cheesecake swiss roll a whirl and enjoy with a glass of Pimms after a game of tennis. By game of tennis, I mean after watching it on the tele. You probs won’t catch me in a pleated skirt working up a sweat.


Ok so Autumn is getting into my favourite time of the year for desserts – everything starts to get a bit heartier and I love a warm pud. In my eyes you can’t beat the classics, but you can add a little twist, so my clementine sticky toffee pudding or butterscotch apple crumble is perfect for when the weather gets colder and it’s chucking it down outside. This is definitely a crowd pleaser and should always be served with the Holy Trinity – cream, ice cream and custard. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.

This is also pumpkin spice season so if you’re looking for a lil snack to have with a PSL make a batch of my pumpkin spiced doughnut holes. You can’t beat some pillowy, doughy goodness rolled in sugar.


It’s CHRISTMAS! The most wonderful time of the year, mainly because you’ve got an excuse to have a proseccy in your hand and a box of chocolates open on the table at all times. If you’re hosting Christmas day this year, give my mint chocolate fondants a go – mint choc obviously being the best chocolate of them all but you can easily swap this out for orange chocolate or just use plain, you can make these your own! Make sure you have a good quality ice cream to go alongside, or make your own if you haven’t already given yourself enough to do! These can be made a day in advance, piped into the moulds and then covered and left in the fridge until you’re ready to cook.

For after the big day, grab all those leftover pies and make yourself a mince pie air fryer cheesecake. This is one of my partners favourite desserts and we once fell out because I forgot to make it, so you know it’s good.