We’ve entered hot chocolate season


It’s officially Autumn and I’m so ready for it. Forget your pumpkin spiced lattes because I’m in my hot chocolate era and I’m taking you with me. So get down to your local shop (I’m a B&M girlie) to stock up on ALLLL the toppings, all the chocolate and even a cheeky bit of Biscoff.

I’m gonna start with what some may say is a controversial choice, but it’s legit one of my faves…The VEGAN MINT HOT CHOCOLATE. Obvs you can switch out the oat milk for dairy milk if preferred but it’s always good to have the option to make it vegan friendly.

Vegan Mint 

300-400ml oat milk
3-4 big pieces vegan mint chocolate + extra for sprinkles

Big blob of oat vanilla custard

Not only did I use oat milk for this baby but I also whipped up some oat vanilla custard to lather on top. It’s decadent and I love it. Also, make sure you give the oak milk a bit of a whisk so it gets nice and frothy.

Ngl, I went a lil bit boujee with this one and used an amazing vegan mint chocolate but use whatever mint choc you fancy! I’m yet to find one I don’t like tbh – top tier chocolate in my eyes.

Watch me make the full dairy-free treat right here.

Choccy Orange 

5ish segments of orange chocolate (add more if you want it super chocolatey)
300-400ml milk
Blob of squirty cream

Sprinkling of orange zest

Back off Terry, this one’s mine. Whoever decided that orange and chocolate should go together is my hero 🧡

Again, like my previous recipe, once you’ve heated your milk, give it a bit of a whisk for that beautiful frothy-ness. Obviously, if you have an actual milk frother, use this, but always good to know a standard electric whisk will do the trick. Love me a good hack.

Top it all off with a splodge of squirty cream, shaved chocolate and some orange zest. Just lovely! Watch me make it here.

Biscoff Not Hot Chocolate 

300-400ml Oat milk (or daily milk)
2 large tbsp biscoff spread
Biscoff biscuits for sprinkles
Dairy free squirty cream (or dairy squirty cream)

Ok, so technically this beverage doesn’t even include chocolate but honestly, it’s amazing and you need to make this. If you haven’t had a Biscoff based treat before, you can expect a warming, caramel type flavour  with a hint of cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger. It is THE drink to help you transition into Autumn as it legit warms the soul.

I highly recommend smothering the spread around the rim of your glass /mug then smushing on some crushed biscuits. It’s kinda like the hot chocolate equivalent to a margarita, but this one is definitely family friendly. Watch me make it here.

Hot Choccy Sticks

Share the hot chocolate love by making my homemade chocolate sticks. This is a really cost-effective gift that is guaranteed to get used, unlike the foot spa you regifted last year x

If you want to make these a bit more personalised, simply throw in your recipients favourite toppings or use their preferred chocolate. You can add anything from marshmallows, to peanut butter or mixed chocolate drops.

Find out how to make them here.