Blackcurrant jam and orange braised red cabbage

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As much as I love a moist turkey or crispy roastie, there is something a bit special about this blackcurrant jam and orange braised red cabbage. Never thought I’d be this excited about cabbage but here we are.

This recipe came from my Christmas 101 series over on Instagram and my aim was to give you my ultimate Christmas dinner recipes and this will absolutely make it onto my plate. The blackcurrant jam gives it a beautiful sweetness and the orange hits you with a zestyness that will give you all those festive feels. I also threw in a splash of port for the fun of it! Who doesn’t love boozy side and let’s face it, there’s always port leftover.

Christmas dinner is sorted babs!

Turkey – Bit controversial but a dry-brine and compound butter is the absolute winning combo for the moistest, juciest turkey going. Trust me on this, I have converted many people to this method and I swear by it.

Sprouts – Let’s stop brandishing sprouts with fart noises, because these beauties need the love and attention they deserve. Go for my bacon sprouts or vegan sprouts.

Carrots & parsnips – Honey roasted is the only way. Fight me on it. Try mine here.

Roasties – The ultimate goose fat roasties want to make me want to cry tears of pure happiness, they are that good and always the star of the show.

Stuffing – I must apologise if you want the video footage of my porky stuffing, it was pure carnage from start to finish. Watch it here but you have been warned.

Mash – I’ll all about double spuds for Christmas and everyone loves a bit of mash! This is the smoothest, creamiest mash going.



metric imperial
  • 1 small red cabbage
  • 1 small red cabbage
  • 25g butter
  • 25g butter
  • 2 heaped tbsp Blackcurrant jam
  • 2 heaped tbsp Blackcurrant jam
  • 1 Orange, juiced
  • 1 Orange, juiced
  • 1 Cinnamon stick
  • 1 Cinnamon stick
  • 75ml Port
  • 75ml Port
  • 50ml Red wine vinegar
  • 50ml Red wine vinegar


  1. Remove the tough stalk from the cabbage and quarter, then finely slice both quarters.
  2. Melt the butter in the slow cooker, then throw in all of the other ingredients. Stir through, cover with the lid and leave on low for 4-6 hours or high for 3-4. This is even better the next day when the flavours have infused more!