Butter Confit Roast Chicken

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You need to try my Butter Confit Roast Chicken at least once in your life. It’s succulent, garlicky, crispy and will be on your plate every Sunday after that first mouthful. Fun fact – I was actually vegetarian for a little while and was genuinely loving it, but then I absolutely cracked after making this juicy chick for a family roast. I WAS SO WEAK.

What really elevates this big ole bird (and further contributes to giving up the veggie life) is the addition of confit butter garlic, which gives you a richer, smoother flavour and will change the way you use garlic in cooking. The cloves are confeed in clarified butter which minimises the risk of getting that burnt, bitter garlic taste when cooking your chicken. You can find the recipe here. Make a huuuuuge batch and use on basically everything from sauces and dressings to marinades and soups. I could legit just spoon it straight into my mouth. Classy gal x

If you also love chicken skin as much as me, why not try my Crispy Chicken Skin Fries? If you have any chicken leftover (unlikely, I know), you can whack it in a burger and serve alongside these crispy chippies for Mondays tea. Sorted.




metric imperial
  • 10 cloves butter confit garlic cloves (recipe listed above)
  • 10 cloves butter confit garlic cloves (recipe listed above)
  • 2 large tbsp clarified garlic butter (recipe listed above)
  • 2 large tbsps clarified garlic butter (recipe listed above)
  • 2 sprigs of Rosemary, chopped
  • 2 sprigs of Rosemary, chopped
  • Zest and juice of a small lemon
  • Zest and juice of a small lemon
  • Salt and pepper to season
  • Salt and pepper to season
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 small onion
  • Bit of garlic
  • Bit of garlic
  • 1 free range chicken (size is variable) - You might need to adjust measurements to suit the size of you bird
  • 1 free range chicken (size is variable) - You might need to adjust measurements to suit the size of you bird


  1. Make sure your chicken is out of the fridge and coming up to room temp before you start.
  2. Preheat the oven, use the packet instructions.
  3. Mix your garlic confit with the butter, rosemary, lemon zest, juice and salt & pepper. For my confit butter garlic recipe, please see intro above.
  4. Using your fingers, separate the skin of the bird from the flesh.
  5. Stuff the butter mix in between the skin all over the bird, but be careful not to rip the skin.
  6. Then pat the bird dry and season well with table salt as this will help get that lovely crispy skin.
  7. Place on a baking tray in the centre of the oven and cook using the packet instructions for the most part.
  8. 20 minutes before the chicken is meant to be cooked, remove it from the oven and baste it in all those lovely buttery juices that are in the tray. Once basted, return the chicken to the oven to finish off.
  9. Once it’s cooked, leave it to rest for a few minutes before carving!