Festive Potato Salad

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I know, I know…salad at Christmas time?! Sounds terrible, but hear me out. This is a creamy, flavour-filled festive potato salad with only the slightest hint of greenery. And by greenery I mean a few cheeky sprouts and chopped chives and sage leaves.

What you do get in this festive treat is spuds, a full bulb of garlic, nuts, streaky bacon and a whole lotta creaminess. You get all the festive feels and it should absolutely make it onto your Boxing Day / New Year’s Eve buffet. Plus, you can make elements of this dish in the air fryer to save time, allowing you to lounge on the sofa, gorging yourself on leftover choccies.

Whenever I run a poll over on my social channels asking for the best potato dish, the neglected potato salad is almost always in last place. It’s the under-appreciated dish that needs a revival. So next time you see a potato salad on the spread, don’t dismiss it, give it the love it deserves, for who can reject a dish that is 80% spud?

Want more potato salads without sprouts? Try these…

In my quest to the make the humble potato salad the star of the show, I’ve created a truffle version (for the fine diners) and a Coronation version (for those who love a royal celebration and street party) and hopefully this latest merry edition will cement it’s status as at least a mid-tier potato dish. I’m not gonna lie though, it’s never gonna top a roastie.

If you love a spud as much as me, don’t forget to check out my 24 Days of Christmas Potatoes over on Instagram.


metric imperial
  • 1lbs baby / miniature potatoes
  • 500g baby / minature potatoes
  • 2oz sour cream
  • 50g sour cream
  • 2oz creme fraiche
  • 50g creme fraiche
  • 1 small of bunch chives, chopped
  • 1 small of bunch chives, chopped
  • 1 small bunch of sage leaves, chopped
  • 1 small bunch of sage leaves, chopped
  • Plenty of salt and pepper to taste
  • Plenty of salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 bulb of garlic
  • 1 bulb of garlic
  • 2oz roasted walnuts or pecans, roughly chopped
  • 50g roasted walnuts or pecans, roughly chopped
  • 4 rashers crispy cooked streaky bacon, chopped
  • 4 rashers crispy cooked streaky bacon, chopped
  • 6 brussel sprouts, finely sliced
  • 6 brussel sprouts, finely sliced
  • 1 tsp red wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp red wine vinegar


  1. Heat your air fryer to 180ºc/350ºf. Drizzle your spuds with vegetable oil and season with salt and pepper. Wrap your garlic bulb in foil, oil and season with salt.
  2. Air fry your potatoes and garlic bulb for 30 minutes until crispy and cooked through. Chuck the bacon on top and cook for 5-10 minutes more until crispy.
  3. Mix together the red wine vinegar, sour cream and creme fraiche, then add in the chopped herbs. Squeeze in half of the garlic (or as much as you want to add… measure with your heart) and mix. When the potatoes are cool but not cold, throw them into the mixing bowl with the sprouts, chopped nuts and sliced crispy bacon.
  4. Season well and serve as part of a boxing day buffet with your leftover ham.