Glazed carrots with star anise

print recipe

Someone recently commented on some of my posts to tell me that all I do is eat unhealthily and that I’m fat. So here’s some veg. And in response to that troll, you can stick my big girthy carrot down ya gob or elsewhere – you choose bab x

What I didn’t mention is that I have still drenched this carrot in butter and a whole load of other tasty ingredients hehe. It’s Christmas people! If you can’t eat a buttery carrot, chocolate log or jug of mulled wine now, when can ya?! Now is not the time for low-fat, no-butter foods. I’ll deal with the fallout in Jan.

For this recipe you’re gonna need some big and thick carrots, we don’t little dainty carrots for this juicy recipe. Once your carrots are peeled, topped and tailed, they get smoothered in butter, orange peel, star anise and carrot juice. You won’t forget these are carrots lemme tell ya! What’s amazing is that most of that liquid will be absorbed and you’re left with the most pure carrot flavour you’ll ever have. Get these on your plate this Christmas.


metric imperial
  • Carrot juice (to cover)
  • Carrot juice (to cover)
  • 4 bunches of carrots (do as many as needed - scale up)
  • 4 bunches of carrots (do as many as needed - scale up)
  • 2 star anise
  • 2 star anise
  • 1 orange, zested with a peeler into strips
  • 1 orange, zested with a peeler into strips
  • 1 1/2oz unsalted butter, diced
  • 40g unsalted butter, diced
  • Salt, to season
  • Salt, to season


  1. Preheat the oven to 180º.
  2. Wash and peel your carrots, keeping as much of a shape to them as possible.
  3. Add the carrot juice, orange zest strips and star anise to an oven safe dish, throw in the carrots and diced butter.
  4. Cover with tinfoil and pop into the oven for approximately one hour.
  5. Once cooked, season with flaky salt and serve.