Lemon Boulangère Potatoes

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Honestly these are a game changer. If you’ve never tried boulangère potatoes before, do it. Enjoy them. Thank me later. 

This is one of those dishes that sounds fancier and more complex than it actually is. It’s basically thinly sliced layered potatoes and onions, bathed and baked in chicken or veg stock til it’s all absorbed and you’re left with a lovely golden crust on top. 

It’s also lighter (and healthier) than Dauphinoise potatoes due to the lack of cream, not that you’ll miss the cream. Bouglangere potatoes are still incredibly warming, rustic and perfect for a cosy night in or even a warm evening in the garden. Serve alongside my lemon roasted chicken or in place of the roasties on your Sunday dins as it’s a great potato dish to make if you’re not the best with timings and want something you can prepare in advance and then just kinda leave alone. We all love a low maintenance meal and this one is so easy to master. 

And did I mention this version includes lemons? I decided to add lemon to mine because it delivers a tangy hit without being too overpowering. Plus, I made this over summer so it just felt right. I’m a huge fan of year-round roast dinners, I don’t care how hot and sweltering it is outside, it’s always acceptable to have a roast dinner and this lemony take will give your roast that summery spin you’ve been looking for. When you give these a go, make sure the stock just covers the top of the potatoes as you want them to brown, not drown. This may mean altering your quantities slightly depending on what dish/utensil you use for your potato bath. 

I kept the flavours quite basic with this one but you can add garlic, fennel seeds, thyme, oregano, sage…the list goes on really. Have a play around and let me know your fave combo!

For more lemony spuds, I highly recommend my lemon roasties with feta dressing which legit make you feel like you’re on a Greek island and make sure you serve these up with chicken skewers. Or if me mentioning creamy dauphinoise potatoes got you going, you’re gonna be all over these.


metric imperial
  • 5-6 medium sized white everyday potatoes, peeled and sliced
  • 5-6 medium sized white everyday potatoes, peeled and sliced
  • 2 onions, sliced
  • 2 onions, sliced
  • 2oz butter
  • 40g/50g butter
  • 1 pint (17fl oz) chicken or veg stock
  • 500ml chicken or veg stock
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Plenty of salt and pepper to season
  • Plenty of salt and pepper to season


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6.
  2. Peel and thinly slice your potatoes and onions. No need to peel the potatoes.
  3. In a large pan (or two) fry off your potatoes and onions in butter until some pieces have browned slightly.
  4. Tip your potato and onion mixture into an oven proof dish.
  5. Add the lemon juice to the stock mix and pour over your potatoes, until just covered.
  6. Place your spud mix in the oven and cook for 30-40 mins until soft but browned on top. Then remove and enjoy!