Pommes Souffles

print recipe

I made these Pommes Souffles as part of my ’25 days of Christmas Potatoes’ series over on Instagram and this was day 13. By this point, I was genuinely shaking in a corner covered in potato peel, crying at the thought of peeling another 12 days worth of potatoes. They are cute though.

After I got over that initial wobble, I buckled down and finished these fancy schmancy spuds off and I was so glad I did. You get a burst of flavour with each bite and that combo of hot crispy potato and cooling sour cream is just divine. Pommes Souffles are basically a posh alternative to chips (or french fries to any US visitors) as it’s essentially slices of fried potato and because it’s sophisticated you can’t feel guilty about it. That’s the rule. The main difference here is that in place of the fluffy interior you associate with a chip, you’ve instead got a saucy filling in the form of creme fraiche, sour cream or even a cheeky cheese sauce. Really, what we’ve done is put your condiment inside the potato which tbh is genius. Why are we not eating more of these?

This is the appetizer you need if you want to impress…on a budget. Here we’re using minimal and relatively cheap ingredients, however you can adapt this recipe to include whatever filling you want. Whatever you opt for, this discs of pure joy will look beautiful on your plate. I will warn you though, these do take a bit of practise to get right. You want your potato slices super thin as this will help them puff up and give you that air pocket and although it’s time consuming, I made one souffle at a time as you need to move the pan constantly whilst frying. Sounds stressful, but it’s worth it hehe.

Once you’ve puffed up all your spuds and added your filling, simply sprinkle some spring onion and grated parmesan over the top to make it POP!


metric imperial
  • 1-2 russet/red skin potatoes
  • 1-2 russet/red skin potatoes
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tsp cornstarch
  • 1 tsp cornflour
  • Vegetable oil
  • Vegetable oil
  • Filling of your choice
  • Filling of your choice
  • Sour cream
  • Sour cream


  1. Thinly slice your potatoes, use a mandolin if you have one. You want them SUPER thin.
  2. Dry them off.
  3. Brush the egg white on one slice of potato.
  4. Sift cornflour on the other slice of potato.
  5. Place one on top of the other and use a cookie cutter to get perfect little rounds.
  6. Get your vegetable oil up to 140°C, you only need about an inch of oil to cover the base of your pan.
  7. Frying one soufflé at a time make sure you move the pan constantly and baste the pillows so that they puff up.
  8. Once puffed and golden remove from the oil and drain on a paper towel.
  9. Make a small hole and fill with whatever you desire, be it creme fraiche, sour cream or cheese sauce.