Summer Bacon Chicken Goodness

Serves: 2
print recipe

This is the dish you make when you want something a bit saucy, a bit hearty, but also a bit summery.

It’s the seasonal summery stew you’ve been looking for. Instead of your standard root veg, I’ve opted for a green hit of peas, lettuce and fennel. Honestly, it is super delicious. To compliment the delicate greens and salty bacon bits, I made a zesty lemon emulsion which really pulls together all the flavours and balances it out.

I’ve never used fennel before…

I love using fennel in cooking but I’ve gotta admit that like Marmite, you tend to love it or hate it. When used raw, it has a aniseed/liquorice taste that can be quite strong, however once cooked the flavour mellows out and becomes a little sweeter so it won’t overpower the dish. Butttt,  when used in the right way, even an aniseed hater can be converted.

For more light chicken-y dishes, give my pesto and cream cheese stuffed chicken a go and get even more greens down ya gob x



metric imperial
  • 2 free range chicken breasts
  • 2 free range chicken breasts
  • 7oz bacon lardons
  • 200g bacon lardons
  • 5oz peas
  • 150g peas
  • 1 bulb of fennel (save the hairy bits for garnish)
  • 1 bulb of fennel (save the hairy bits for garnish)
  • 1 baby gem lettuce
  • 1 baby gem lettuce
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 lemon
  • Oil (for frying the chicken)
  • Oil (for frying the chicken)
  • A couple sprigs of rosemary
  • A couple sprigs of rosemary
  • A couple garlic cloves
  • A couple garlic cloves
  • 2 3/4oz salted butter
  • 80g salted butter
  • 10fl oz Vegetable/chicken stock
  • 300ml Vegetable/chicken stock
  • Salt and pepper to season
  • Salt and pepper to season


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  2. Firstly, add your bacon lardons/pancetta to a cold pan and bring up the heat. You want it nice and crispy.
  3. Next, slice your fennel and add to a bowl of water with your lemon (cut in half). Leave to one side.
  4. Add your chicken breasts (skin down) to a separate cold pan with a splash of oil and bring up the heat til you get a lovely crispy skin. While frying, add your rosemary sprigs and garlic cloves to infuse the oil. Don't forget to season your breasts!
  5. When the skin is crispy, transfer your chicken to the oven to finish off cooking. Check there are no pink bits!
  6. While the chicken is in the oven, you can make the lemon emulsion. Start by adding butter and stock to a pan and bring up the boil. Then add in the juice from your lemon and the fennel. Reduce the heat. I also like to add in the juices from the chicken pan (once it's done cooking).
  7. Remove the chicken from the oven and carve into thick slices.
  8. Add the peas, bacon lardons and lettuce to your emulsion and give it a good mix. Once combined, spoon into a bowl/pasta dish and top with your chicken. Finish it off with a final squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkling of tarragon if you've got some! Enjoy!